Still sounding interesting, but no massive developments it seems.
Here are four hand-picked loops at 370 generations (66k ratings):
Still sounding interesting, but no massive developments it seems.
Here are four hand-picked loops at 370 generations (66k ratings):
Happy New Year to everyone!
Here are just four hand-picked loops at 350 generations (64k ratings):
And the same for 360 generations (65k ratings):
I'm not suggesting that we've finished with this population of loops yet, but it does feel like things are drawing to a close. Also, the person crossing the line has a 34 on her shirt.
Here are just four hand-picked loops at 340 generations (63k ratings):
We're racking up around 1000 ratings per day, which isn't bad for the holiday period. Thanks everyone!
Here's the 330 generation, 62k ratings taster:
Here's a 310 generation, 60k ratings taster:
And here's the 320 generation 61k ratings taster: